2022-09-02 11:25:50 +07:00

262 lines
13 KiB

Feature: Post data
As a hacker who likes to blog
I want to be able to embed data into my posts
In order to make the posts slightly dynamic
Scenario: Use post.title variable
Given I have a _posts directory
And I have a _layouts directory
And I have the following post:
| title | date | layout | content |
| Star Wars | 2009-03-27 | simple | Luke, I am your father. |
And I have a simple layout that contains "Post title: {{ page.title }}"
When I run jekyll build
Then the _site directory should exist
And I should see "Post title: Star Wars" in "_site/2009/03/27/star-wars.html"
Scenario: Use post.url variable
Given I have a _posts directory
And I have a _layouts directory
And I have the following post:
| title | date | layout | content |
| Star Wars | 2009-03-27 | simple | Luke, I am your father. |
And I have a simple layout that contains "Post url: {{ page.url }}"
When I run jekyll build
Then the _site directory should exist
And I should see "Post url: /2009/03/27/star-wars.html" in "_site/2009/03/27/star-wars.html"
Scenario: Use post.date variable
Given I have a _posts directory
And I have a _layouts directory
And I have the following post:
| title | date | layout | content |
| Star Wars | 2009-03-27 | simple | Luke, I am your father. |
And I have a simple layout that contains "Post date: {{ page.date | date_to_string }}"
When I run jekyll build
Then the _site directory should exist
And I should see "Post date: 27 Mar 2009" in "_site/2009/03/27/star-wars.html"
Scenario: Use post.id variable
Given I have a _posts directory
And I have a _layouts directory
And I have the following post:
| title | date | layout | content |
| Star Wars | 2009-03-27 | simple | Luke, I am your father. |
And I have a simple layout that contains "Post id: {{ page.id }}"
When I run jekyll build
Then the _site directory should exist
And I should see "Post id: /2009/03/27/star-wars" in "_site/2009/03/27/star-wars.html"
Scenario: Use post.content variable
Given I have a _posts directory
And I have a _layouts directory
And I have the following post:
| title | date | layout | content |
| Star Wars | 2009-03-27 | simple | Luke, I am your father. |
And I have a simple layout that contains "Post content: {{ content }}"
When I run jekyll build
Then the _site directory should exist
And I should see "Post content: <p>Luke, I am your father.</p>" in "_site/2009/03/27/star-wars.html"
Scenario: Use post.categories variable when category is in a folder
Given I have a movies directory
And I have a movies/_posts directory
And I have a _layouts directory
And I have the following post in "movies":
| title | date | layout | content |
| Star Wars | 2009-03-27 | simple | Luke, I am your father. |
And I have a simple layout that contains "Post category: {{ page.categories }}"
When I run jekyll build
Then the _site directory should exist
And I should see "Post category: movies" in "_site/movies/2009/03/27/star-wars.html"
Scenario: Use post.categories variable when category is in a folder and has category in YAML
Given I have a movies directory
And I have a movies/_posts directory
And I have a _layouts directory
And I have the following post in "movies":
| title | date | layout | category | content |
| Star Wars | 2009-03-27 | simple | film | Luke, I am your father. |
And I have a simple layout that contains "Post category: {{ page.categories }}"
When I run jekyll build
Then the _site directory should exist
And I should see "Post category: movies" in "_site/movies/film/2009/03/27/star-wars.html"
Scenario: Use post.categories variable when category is in a folder and has categories in YAML
Given I have a movies directory
And I have a movies/_posts directory
And I have a _layouts directory
And I have the following post in "movies":
| title | date | layout | categories | content |
| Star Wars | 2009-03-27 | simple | [film, scifi] | Luke, I am your father. |
And I have a simple layout that contains "Post category: {{ page.categories }}"
When I run jekyll build
Then the _site directory should exist
And I should see "Post category: movies" in "_site/movies/film/scifi/2009/03/27/star-wars.html"
Scenario: Use post.categories variable when category is in a folder and duplicated category is in YAML
Given I have a movies directory
And I have a movies/_posts directory
And I have a _layouts directory
And I have the following post in "movies":
| title | date | layout | category | content |
| Star Wars | 2009-03-27 | simple | movies | Luke, I am your father. |
And I have a simple layout that contains "Post category: {{ page.categories }}"
When I run jekyll build
Then the _site directory should exist
And I should see "Post category: movies" in "_site/movies/2009/03/27/star-wars.html"
Scenario: Use post.tags variable
Given I have a _posts directory
And I have a _layouts directory
And I have the following post:
| title | date | layout | tag | content |
| Star Wars | 2009-05-18 | simple | twist | Luke, I am your father. |
And I have a simple layout that contains "Post tags: {{ page.tags }}"
When I run jekyll build
Then the _site directory should exist
And I should see "Post tags: twist" in "_site/2009/05/18/star-wars.html"
Scenario: Use post.categories variable when categories are in folders
Given I have a scifi directory
And I have a scifi/movies directory
And I have a scifi/movies/_posts directory
And I have a _layouts directory
And I have the following post in "scifi/movies":
| title | date | layout | content |
| Star Wars | 2009-03-27 | simple | Luke, I am your father. |
And I have a simple layout that contains "Post categories: {{ page.categories | array_to_sentence_string }}"
When I run jekyll build
Then the _site directory should exist
And I should see "Post categories: scifi and movies" in "_site/scifi/movies/2009/03/27/star-wars.html"
Scenario: Use post.categories variable when categories are in folders with mixed case
Given I have a scifi directory
And I have a scifi/Movies directory
And I have a scifi/Movies/_posts directory
And I have a _layouts directory
And I have the following post in "scifi/Movies":
| title | date | layout | content |
| Star Wars | 2009-03-27 | simple | Luke, I am your father. |
And I have a simple layout that contains "Post categories: {{ page.categories | array_to_sentence_string }}"
When I run jekyll build
Then the _site directory should exist
And I should see "Post categories: scifi and Movies" in "_site/scifi/movies/2009/03/27/star-wars.html"
Scenario: Use post.categories variable when category is in YAML
Given I have a _posts directory
And I have a _layouts directory
And I have the following post:
| title | date | layout | category | content |
| Star Wars | 2009-03-27 | simple | movies | Luke, I am your father. |
And I have a simple layout that contains "Post category: {{ page.categories }}"
When I run jekyll build
Then the _site directory should exist
And I should see "Post category: movies" in "_site/movies/2009/03/27/star-wars.html"
Scenario: Use post.categories variable when category is in YAML and is mixed-case
Given I have a _posts directory
And I have a _layouts directory
And I have the following post:
| title | date | layout | category | content |
| Star Wars | 2009-03-27 | simple | Movies | Luke, I am your father. |
And I have a simple layout that contains "Post category: {{ page.categories }}"
When I run jekyll build
Then the _site directory should exist
And I should see "Post category: Movies" in "_site/movies/2009/03/27/star-wars.html"
Scenario: Use post.categories variable when categories are in YAML
Given I have a _posts directory
And I have a _layouts directory
And I have the following post:
| title | date | layout | categories | content |
| Star Wars | 2009-03-27 | simple | ['scifi', 'movies'] | Luke, I am your father. |
And I have a simple layout that contains "Post categories: {{ page.categories | array_to_sentence_string }}"
When I run jekyll build
Then the _site directory should exist
And I should see "Post categories: scifi and movies" in "_site/scifi/movies/2009/03/27/star-wars.html"
Scenario: Use post.categories variable when categories are in YAML and are duplicated
Given I have a _posts directory
And I have a _layouts directory
And I have the following post:
| title | date | layout | categories | content |
| Star Wars | 2009-03-27 | simple | ['movies', 'movies'] | Luke, I am your father. |
And I have a simple layout that contains "Post category: {{ page.categories }}"
When I run jekyll build
Then the _site directory should exist
And I should see "Post category: movies" in "_site/movies/2009/03/27/star-wars.html"
Scenario: Use post.categories variable when categories are in YAML with mixed case
Given I have a _posts directory
And I have a _layouts directory
And I have the following posts:
| title | date | layout | categories | content |
| Star Wars | 2009-03-27 | simple | ['scifi', 'Movies'] | Luke, I am your father. |
| Star Trek | 2013-03-17 | simple | ['SciFi', 'movies'] | Jean Luc, I am your father. |
And I have a simple layout that contains "Post categories: {{ page.categories | array_to_sentence_string }}"
When I run jekyll build
Then the _site directory should exist
And I should see "Post categories: scifi and Movies" in "_site/scifi/movies/2009/03/27/star-wars.html"
And I should see "Post categories: SciFi and movies" in "_site/scifi/movies/2013/03/17/star-trek.html"
Scenario Outline: Use page.path variable
Given I have a <dir>/_posts directory
And I have the following post in "<dir>":
| title | type | date | content |
| my-post | html | 2013-04-12 | Source path: {{ page.path }} |
When I run jekyll build
Then the _site directory should exist
And I should see "Source path: <path_prefix>_posts/2013-04-12-my-post.html" in "_site/<dir>/2013/04/12/my-post.html"
| dir | path_prefix |
| . | |
| dir | dir/ |
| dir/nested | dir/nested/ |
Scenario: Override page.path variable
Given I have a _posts directory
And I have the following post:
| title | date | path | content |
| override | 2013-04-12 | override-path.html | Custom path: {{ page.path }} |
When I run jekyll build
Then the _site directory should exist
And I should see "Custom path: override-path.html" in "_site/2013/04/12/override.html"
Scenario: Disable a post from being published
Given I have a _posts directory
And I have an "index.html" file that contains "Published!"
And I have the following post:
| title | date | layout | published | content |
| Star Wars | 2009-03-27 | simple | false | Luke, I am your father. |
When I run jekyll build
Then the _site directory should exist
And the "_site/2009/03/27/star-wars.html" file should not exist
And I should see "Published!" in "_site/index.html"
Scenario: Use a custom variable
Given I have a _posts directory
And I have a _layouts directory
And I have the following post:
| title | date | layout | author | content |
| Star Wars | 2009-03-27 | simple | Darth Vader | Luke, I am your father. |
And I have a simple layout that contains "Post author: {{ page.author }}"
When I run jekyll build
Then the _site directory should exist
And I should see "Post author: Darth Vader" in "_site/2009/03/27/star-wars.html"
Scenario: Previous and next posts title
Given I have a _posts directory
And I have a _layouts directory
And I have the following posts:
| title | date | layout | author | content |
| Star Wars | 2009-03-27 | ordered | Darth Vader | Luke, I am your father. |
| Some like it hot | 2009-04-27 | ordered | Osgood | Nobody is perfect. |
| Terminator | 2009-05-27 | ordered | Arnold | Sayonara, baby |
And I have a ordered layout that contains "Previous post: {{ page.previous.title }} and next post: {{ page.next.title }}"
When I run jekyll build
Then the _site directory should exist
And I should see "next post: Some like it hot" in "_site/2009/03/27/star-wars.html"
And I should see "Previous post: Some like it hot" in "_site/2009/05/27/terminator.html"