--- layout: news_item title: 'Jekyll 2.3.0 Released' date: 2014-08-10 20:38:34 -0400 author: parkr version: 2.3.0 categories: [release] --- This latest release of Jekyll includes a slew of enhancements and bug fixes. Some of the highlights: * Strange bug around spacing/indentation should be resolved. [It was a curious bug indeed.](https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/issues/2676) * Pages, Posts, and Drafts can now be converted by multiple converters. * Static files can now be safely included in collections. They'll be placed in a `collection.files` array. `collection.docs` still holds exclusively content with YAML front matter. * Sass files can once again be rendered by Liquid. However, neither Sass nor CoffeeScript can ever have a layout. Bonus: `scssify` and `sassify` Liquid filters. * Partial variables allowed now in the path argument of `include` calls * We added a `jekyll help` command. Pass it a subcommand to see more info about that subcommand. Or don't, to see the help for `jekyll` itself. * Lots of fixes to the site template we use for `jekyll new`, including converting the CSS into SCSS. * The `jsonify` filter will now call `#to_liquid` for you * Lots, lots more! One change deserves special note. In [#2633][], subfolders *inside* a `_posts` folder were processed and added as categories to the posts. It turns out, this behaviour was unwanted by a large number of individuals, as it is a handy way to organize posts. Ultimately, we decided to revert this change in [#2705][], because it was a change in behaviour that was already well-established (at least since Jekyll v0.7.0), and was convenient. [#2633]: {{ site.repository }}/issues/2633 [#2705]: {{ site.repository }}/issues/2705 For more excellent CHANGELOG reading material, check out the [History page](/docs/history/)! Happy Jekylling!