--- layout: news_item title: 'Pick Up your $1 Jekyll Sticker' date: 2014-06-04 15:46:53 -0400 author: parkr categories: [partners] --- ![Jekyll Sticker](/img/jekyll-sticker.jpg) You may have heard that [@cobyism](https://github.com/cobyism)'s excellent Jekyll logo has been made into a sticker. You may have sat idly by, wishing that you could have a sticker honoring your beloved Jekyll. The StickerMule team says, *"Pine no longer!"* StickerMule has **[discounted the price of Jekyll stickers down to $1 and are offering free (domestic) shipping](http://www.stickermule.com/marketplace/825-jekyll-stickers)!** Go grab one now on the StickerMule marketplace – [they'll look swell on your favourite hardware.](https://twitter.com/parkr/status/430826309707902976/photo/1)