--- layout: news_item title: 'Jekyll 1.3.0 Released' date: 2013-11-04 21:46:02 -0600 author: mattr- version: 1.3.0 categories: [release] --- It's been about six weeks since v1.2.0 and the Jekyll team is happy to announce the arrival of v1.3.0. This is a **huge** release full of all sorts of new features, bug fixes, and other things that you're sure to love. Here are a few things we think you'll want to know about this release: * You can add [arbitrary data][] to the site by adding YAML files under a site's `_data` directory. This will allow you to avoid repetition in your templates and to set site specific options without changing `_config.yml`. * You can now run `jekyll serve --detach` to boot up a WEBrick server in the background. **Note:** you'll need to run `kill [server_pid]` to shut the server down. When ran, you'll get a process id that you can use in place of `[server_pid]` * You can now **disable automatically-generated excerpts** if you set `excerpt_separator` to `""`. * If you're moving pages and posts, you can now check for **URL conflicts** by running `jekyll doctor`. * If you're a fan of the drafts feature, you'll be happy to know we've added `-D`, a shortened version of `--drafts`. * Permalinks with special characters should now generate without errors. * Expose the current Jekyll version as the `jekyll.version` Liquid variable. For a full run-down, visit our [change log](/docs/history/)! [arbitrary data]: /docs/datafiles/