--- layout: news_item title: "Jekyll 1.1.0 Released" date: "2013-07-14 19:38:02 +0200" author: parkr version: 1.1.0 categories: [release] --- After a month of hard work, the Jekyll core team is excited to announce the release of Jekyll v1.1.0! This latest release of Jekyll brings some really exciting new additions: - Add `docs` subcommand to read Jekyll's docs when offline. ([#1046][]) - Support passing parameters to templates in `include` tag ([#1204][]) - Add support for Liquid tags to post excerpts ([#1302][]) - Fix pagination for subdirectories ([#1198][]) - Provide better error reporting when generating sites ([#1253][]) - Latest posts first in non-LSI `related_posts` ([#1271][]) See the [GitHub Release][] page for more a more detailed changelog for this release. {% assign issue_numbers = "1046|1204|1302|1198|1171|1118|1098|1215|1253|1271" | split: "|" %} {% for issue in issue_numbers %} [#{{ issue }}]: {{ site.repository }}/issues/{{ issue }} {% endfor %} [GitHub Release]: {{ site.repository }}/releases/tag/v1.1.0