--- layout: news_item title: "Jekyll 1.0.2 Released" date: "2013-05-12 14:45:00 +0200" author: parkr version: 1.0.2 categories: [release] --- v1.0.2 has some key bugfixes that optionally restore some behaviour from pre-1.0 releases, and fix some other annoying bugs: * Backwards-compatibilize relative permalinks ([#1081][]) * Add `jekyll doctor` command to check site for any known compatibility problems ([#1081][]) * Deprecate old config `server_port`, match to `port` if `port` isn't set ([#1084][]) * Update pygments.rb and kramdon versions to 0.5.0 and 1.0.2, respectively ([#1061][], [#1067][]) * Fix issue when post categories are numbers ([#1078][]) * Add a `data-lang=""` attribute to Redcarpet code blocks ([#1066][]) * Catching that Redcarpet gem isn't installed ([#1059][]) See the [History][] page for more information on this release. {% assign issue_numbers = "1059|1061|1066|1067|1078|1081|1084" | split: "|" %} {% for issue in issue_numbers %} [#{{ issue }}]: {{ site.repository }}/issues/{{ issue }} {% endfor %} [History]: /docs/history/#v1-0-2