
49 lines
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2022-09-02 11:25:50 +07:00
# coding: utf-8
lib = File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__)
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib)
require 'jekyll/version'
Gem::Specification.new do |s|
s.specification_version = 2 if s.respond_to? :specification_version=
s.required_rubygems_version = Gem::Requirement.new('>= 0') if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version=
s.rubygems_version = '2.2.2'
s.required_ruby_version = '>= 2.0.0'
s.name = 'jekyll'
s.version = Jekyll::VERSION
s.license = 'MIT'
s.summary = 'A simple, blog aware, static site generator.'
s.description = 'Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.'
s.authors = ['Tom Preston-Werner']
s.email = 'tom@mojombo.com'
s.homepage = 'https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll'
all_files = `git ls-files -z`.split("\x0")
s.files = all_files.grep(%r{^(bin|lib)/})
s.executables = all_files.grep(%r{^bin/}) { |f| File.basename(f) }
s.require_paths = ['lib']
s.rdoc_options = ['--charset=UTF-8']
s.extra_rdoc_files = %w[README.markdown LICENSE]
s.add_runtime_dependency('liquid', '~> 3.0')
s.add_runtime_dependency('kramdown', '~> 1.3')
s.add_runtime_dependency('mercenary', '~> 0.3.3')
s.add_runtime_dependency('safe_yaml', '~> 1.0')
s.add_runtime_dependency('colorator', '~> 0.1')
# Before 3.0 drops, phase the following gems out as dev dependencies
# and gracefully handle their absence.
s.add_runtime_dependency('pygments.rb', '~> 0.6.0')
s.add_runtime_dependency('redcarpet', '~> 3.1')
s.add_runtime_dependency('toml', '~> 0.1.0')
s.add_runtime_dependency('jekyll-paginate', '~> 1.0')
s.add_runtime_dependency('jekyll-gist', '~> 1.0')
s.add_runtime_dependency('jekyll-coffeescript', '~> 1.0')
s.add_runtime_dependency('jekyll-sass-converter', '~> 1.0')
s.add_runtime_dependency('jekyll-watch', '~> 1.1')
s.add_runtime_dependency('classifier-reborn', '~> 2.0')