Feature: Rendering As a hacker who likes to blog I want to be able to make a static site In order to share my awesome ideas with the interwebs But I want to make it as simply as possible So render with Liquid and place in Layouts Scenario: Render Liquid and place in layout Given I have a "index.html" page with layout "simple" that contains "Hi there, Jekyll {{ jekyll.environment }}!" And I have a simple layout that contains "{{ content }}Ahoy, indeed!" When I run jekyll build Then the _site directory should exist And I should see "Hi there, Jekyll development!\nAhoy, indeed" in "_site/index.html" Scenario: Don't place asset files in layout Given I have an "index.scss" page with layout "simple" that contains ".foo-bar { color:black; }" And I have an "index.coffee" page with layout "simple" that contains "whatever()" And I have a simple layout that contains "{{ content }}Ahoy, indeed!" When I run jekyll build Then the _site directory should exist And I should not see "Ahoy, indeed!" in "_site/index.css" And I should not see "Ahoy, indeed!" in "_site/index.js" Scenario: Render liquid in Sass Given I have an "index.scss" page that contains ".foo-bar { color:{{site.color}}; }" And I have a configuration file with "color" set to "red" When I run jekyll build Then the _site directory should exist And I should see ".foo-bar {\n color: red; }" in "_site/index.css" Scenario: Render liquid in CoffeeScript Given I have an "index.coffee" page with animal "cicada" that contains "hey='for {{page.animal}}'" When I run jekyll build Then the _site directory should exist And I should see "hey = 'for cicada';" in "_site/index.js"