Dear = stocks[1][0] ?> = stocks[1][1] ?>
Abstract Code : = stocks[1][5] ?>
First of all, we thank you for your participation in The 1st International Conference on Medicinal Plants (The 1st ICMP) which will be held on October 21st- 22nd, 2022 in virtual platform.
Along with this email, the organizing committee of The 1st International Conference on Medicinal Plants (The 1st ICMP) is pleased to inform you that your abstract entitled = stocks[1][3] ?> has been accepted for = stocks[1][4] ?> Presentation.
Please submit your video for = stocks[1][4] ?> presentation here or no later than October 5th, 2022. Before submitting, please make sure that your video file meets the requirements. (See guideline poster presentation and oral presentation)
= stocks[1][4] ?> presenters can publish their research results in certain reputable international or national journals. Please submit your fullpaper here or no later than October 15th, 2022. Guideline and template for fullpaper can be found on the conference website or you can click here
Furthermore, you can pay attention to further information regarding all about this conference at The 1st ICMP website address
Should you have further inquiries, please feel free to contact us via email at or contact person(Click here)
The 1st ICMP Scientific Committee,
Faculty of Pharmacy University of Jember ,
Jember - Indonesia