Dear ${gelar} ${firstname} ${lastname}
You have already verified and registered as ${tipe} at The 1st International Conference on Medicinal Plants (The 1st ICMP) which will be held on October 21st- 22nd, 2022 in virtual platform.
Please submit your abstract no later than 1st October 2022. Guidelines and template for abstract can be found on the conference website.
Abstract submission link address https://forms.gle/h7n8XCbuLfvLNJg89
If the link above is unclickable, please copy the link and paste it to your browser's address bar. You will receive a notification of abstract submission confirmation in your provided email.
Details of the conference schedule will be provided in the conference website. Please book your calendar to join this conference. Zoom link will be sent 2 days before the conference in your provided email.
Should you have further inquiries, please feel free to contact us via email at icmp@unej.ac.id or contact person(Click here)
apt. Endah Puspitasari, M.Sc.